Cycle of Life

From the time you’re born
Till the time you’re old
Wondering here and there
Throughout this world

A baby’s face so soft and smooth
Crying out for a change and food
A baby’s smile brightens the day
A young man’s laugh at going astray

Young teenager fierce in his ways
Tormenting his parents for better days
Young man gone into this world
Only to find out, it’s all too cold

Lady in waiting for a prince
Only to find out, there is no such thing
Love or love not
Running fast to beat the clock

When you become old
Everywhere you go, it seems cold
You are no longer cute
Your crying needs becomes astute

As if waiting for death
The body does not seem to care
Taking it one day at time
No longer in it’s prime

As the end is near
You can barely hear
Believe in love, before life is complete


  1. Hello Jennifer!

    Children are a sweet honey donated by the L-rd to build the life and let our seed for posterity. They are the nice seed of the "Tree of Life"

    Your poem is beautiful! Thank you.

    1. I like that!

      Thank you for stopping by and reading my poetry!

      I am so glad there are people like you, that treasure children and respect them :)

      Thanks again!

  2. We all need to believe in something... Beautifully written

  3. Thank you Trisha, am so glad you enjoyed reading my poem.
    Thank you for stopping by :)


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